This project has been designed & developed by Kumar Priyanshu & Mohd. Farhan . GIS Home Discovery GIS Blog Developers / Contacts us GIS Help
CIA climate change in 2008, Report of experts:

Wed, 19 Mar 2008 11:16:31 EST

Despite record snowfall and low temperatures around the world, climate experts forecast that 2008 may rank among the top 10 years since weather records more

Green Tip of the week
Eat your leftovers! Wasting food is about more than just wasting money—it's also about wasting all the land resources that produce more
DNA studies suggest that all humans today descend from a group in Africa 60,000 years ago. Follow the journey from them to you, as written in your genes. read more
Sunday December 12, 2004
Fifteen hundred people already live on a 465 acre island called Hulhumale, a brand-new island being built by the government of the Maldives to ease overcrowding. The government hopes to move about 45,000 people of the country's 300,000 residents over the next 15 years to this artificial island built on a lagoon. The creation of Hulhumale began in 1997.
read more


  • About website
  • Using maps
  • Using Wheather Gadget
  • What is DISCOVERY feature
  • What is GIS blogIs
  • Privacy & Disclaimer

A Little Introduction

GIS is a collection of computer hardware, software, and geographic data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying geographically referenced information.


•We are making a GIS available any where, any time, on a single click of mouse.
•Our GIS have plenty of features like a typical GIS ,and can be accessed without having any typical hardware .
•Our GIS is powered by Microsoft Virtual Earth environment.
•Any user of our GIS can send/update the geographic information hence make it better. This is a feature that make it unique.
•It have both physical , political, and hybrid views of maps.


Simple Steps for using Active maps:

Step 1.On the Home Page go to search box at left, type desired Location name as Lucknow, India, hit Find button.

Step 2. The map zooms to the location at 4 levels and now you can drag the map, zoom in zoom out, paan up , paan down etc by using the tools at the

left side.

Step3. You can change the map theme as Aerial view, Road map view and labels view.

Go to weather Gadget and click edit at top left corner as followed:


DISCOVERY is one of the strongest feature of our website that provides user with all the informations regarding geographical landmarks of this world

inclucing continents,7 X 7wonders, forests, platues, water bodies, deserts , tourism and latest news about GIS is updated every week.

All these are just a mouse click distant from user.

This feature will prove very helpfull to reserachers, schollors, students, project developers.

Different schools and coleges will get a lot of benifit form this feature of ur website in teaching students and providing them with concreete information.

We know that we must continuously interact directly with users to make our website packed with new ideas.

So we have here GIS blog,

You can send your feedbacks, advices to us and they are duely welcomed.

Warning: This website is protected by copyright at April 2008and are bind by laws and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.